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5 Blue Fruits that Can Prevent Disease

The color on the fruit turns out not only makes it interesting to eat. Behind the colors, a myriad of fruit benefits are stored for health.

Similarly, the blue color of the fruits. According to a published study Advances in Nutrition, the blue color of the fruits is considered a peaceful and calming color.

The color is produced from anthocyanins or some kind of water-soluble pigment in plants. Not just color, some research mentions that anthocyanins can improve cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, and other diseases.

What type of fruit is included in this group? Here are the coil of the five blue fruits and the benefits for the body:

5 Blue Fruits that Can Prevent Disease


Blueberry is regarded as the healthiest type of berries in the world. This is because blueberries are low in calories, high in fiber and are rich in special micronutrients; such as manganese, vitamin C, and K.

Not only that, blueberries are also rich in anthocyanins that can help protect the body's cells from free radical damage.

For you who have a history of diabetes, this fruit can also be used as a healthy snack. Because, blueberries contain low sugar levels compared to other types of berries. 

In addition, a study published in PubMed mentions that anthocyanins in blueberries can help prevent chronic diseases. Such as heart disease, type-2 diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's.


Next there is a BlackBerry. The fruit that comes in the family Rosaceae is famous for its bitter and sharp taste. However, it is packed with rich nutritional content.

According to a study, routine consuming BlackBerry can ward off cancer and various heart diseases. This is because the content of vitamin C, A, iron, magnesium, potassium, to the fibers that are in it.
If you are on a diet, consume this fruit. The reason is that BlackBerry offers a little calorie that ranges from 43 only.


Although not as popular as strawberries, elderberry turns out to be known potent in overcoming flu and colds. For those of you who are unfamiliar, elderberry is a plant that originated in Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia. It has small fruit with sour flavor and also fresh.

In addition to overcoming flu and colds, elderberry proved efficacious in boosting the immune system. This is because the two content that is in it, namely Vitamin C and B6.

Keep in mind, although it can overcome the flu and the cold, elderberry should not be consumed in the raw state because it can cause abdominal pain.


Bilberry is the next blue fruit. A glimpse of the fruit looks like blueberries. Only, bilberries do not have a crown shape at the ends and have a smaller diameter--about 5 to 8 millimetres.

According to the USDA's data released, Bilberry (weighing 100 grams) offers 42 calories, 4.9 grams of fiber, and vitamin C. Because of that content, many studies have mentioned that bilberries are efficacious in reducing inflammation. 

Even other studies refer to, consuming bilberry fruit extracts can help improve the sharpness of eyesight and prevent eye disease. Such as macular degeneration and cataracts.


This one fruit is indeed familiar in the ears. It is usually processed into jam, juice, into dietary supplements.

Blackcurrant is said to be very high in vitamin C. Because of the vitamin content, Blackcurrant Digadang-gadang can help protect against cellular damage and chronic diseases. 

In fact, some studies mention that consuming blackcurrant can routinely offer a significant protection from heart disease. 

While the study released in 2017 mentions that vitamin C in blackcurrant can heal wounds, boost immune system, to maintain skin health, bones, and teeth.

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